Wednesday, May 4, 2016

~*April Activities*~

Here are some pictures from our April activities, enjoy :)  Can't believe it's May and our days are winding down as a class. We've had a great year of making friends, fun activities & learning!
** Reminder ** last day of 3 year old preschool is Tuesday, May 24th!
paint dauber rainbows

tower building

car races

working on positional words

clapping out syllables

making windsocks

syllable practice

enjoying some birthday treats

spring syllable practice

making kites

apple tree painting with q-tips

working on opposites

Mrs. Sue came to do science

making umbrellas

popcorn kernels & food coloring science

watching the kernels dance

jelly bean taste testing & graphing

sensory table play

playing a gumball counting/colors game

flower painting with toothbrushes

book time

making paper plate birds

Z is for zebra

letter matching game

flower lacing

parts of a flower

paint dauber flowers

planting flower seeds & grass

play-doh fun

watering his new plant

The students planted a lima bean in a bag with a cotton ball. Coloring their green houses to put in the windows & watch them grow :)

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