Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Here are some pictures from activities we did in February. Enjoy!
Please take snow pants/boots out of backpacks (hopefully snow is done!)
**Reminder of important dates**
3/7: Preschool registration 4-6pm @ Atkins
3/14 & 3/15: Conferences
3/15: No Preschool
3/15-3/20: Spring Break!
3/24: 1pm dismiss (2 hour classes - 8:10-10:10/11-1:00)
3/24: Preschool family fun night from 5:30-7pm (turn in RSVP by 3/10)
melted snowman painting

light table x-rays

skiing sequencing

play-doh fun

snowmen names

tinfoil snowflakes

tissue paper hearts

magnet building


heart people

decorating Valentine's bags

making heart necklaces

Valentine's party enjoying food

passing out Valentine's
 putting together a new puzzle

train track building

polar bear painting with cotton balls

Old Creamery Theater came and put on a performance

Mrs. Brandy reading to the class

sensory table fun

barber shop


paint dauber letter P

working on color sorting

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