Monday, March 28, 2016

~*March & Family Fun Night*~

Here are some pictures from classroom activities and preschool family fun night. Thank you to all of you who attended, it was a great night! Enjoy using those activities at home to help your child learn. 
We have been working hard on rhyming words and clapping out syllables (parts of words). Feel free to practice doing these with your child. Our rhyming houses for April will be brick (chick, kick, lick, sick, stick) and bed (bread, head, red, sled, thread).
As of now there are no important dates in April.
tissue paper chicks

building their tall magnetic tower

cotton ball bunny faces

measuring with jelly beans

jelly bean taste testing


designing a bug

letter matching

bunny lacing

found eggs on our egg hunt

J is for jellyfish

light table fun

magnetic cars

light table fun

clapping out syllables