Thursday, January 21, 2016


It's hard to believe January is coming to an end. Here are several photos from some activities we have done in January. We read 3 different versions of 'The Gingerbread Man/Baby' and did a lot of activities to go with that and sequencing. We've also been working on sequencing with 'The Mitten.' The kids are doing great with being able to tell who the characters are and where the setting is. We've also been working on words that rhyme with hat & bed. We've also been working on whole body listening which is what our social story is about this month. We have learned that we listen with our eyes, ears, mouth, hands, arms, legs & feet. We know our friends are listening if we're sitting still, not talking, looking at who is talking and not touching our neighbor :) 
Our Valentine's Day Party will be on Thursday, February 11th. We need some volunteers to send some items for the party which I will be sending a note home & names for Valentine's :) 
AM class: 16 students (10 boys, 6 girls) PM class: 11 students (9 boys, 2 girls)
Reminder: No School on Monday, February 15th
Enjoy the pictures!
painting mittens

helping put new toys together :)


working on sorting rhyming words into houses

bed/hat house sorting

coloring gingerbread book

teaching the class rhyming

playing with the new light table looking at x-rays

decorating gingerbread

matching up x-ray pictures

gingerbread creativity

showing off our new dress-up clothes

building with blocks

enjoying our new fire house :)

such creativity!

gingerbread sequencing

working together on the new magnetic sorting

gingerbread shape matching

iPad math game

putting characters from 'The Mitten' story into the mitten / sequencing

filling the table with magnetic tiles