Tuesday, November 24, 2015

~*November Happenings*~

It's hard to believe November is coming to an end and December is upon us. We did a lot of fun activities in November - such as science with Sue, Thanksgiving crafts and making pumpkin pudding on their last day before break. Here are some pictures to capture our moments.

Winter Break: last day for preschool will be Tuesday, December 22nd. Students will return back on Monday, January 4th. Our holiday party will be on December 22nd.
--The school calendar says Atkins Holiday Program on the 10th, preschool is not a part of this. We will have a family fun night in the spring--
--Keep in mind with the winter weather, that there will be school delays/early outs/cancellations. The Benton Voice Link is 515-830-2164 to listen to a message about any delays/cancellations for the day--
                 2 hour late start: AM is from 10:15-12:15   PM is from 1:15-3:15
                 Early out: AM is from 8:10-10:10     PM is from 11-1:00

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Mrs. Sue came to visit the afternoon class. She brought a science experiment where the kids put drops of food coloring into the water. They enjoyed seeing the colors mix. Fun & simple!

water play

making a name turkey

Clifford came to visit the PM class

lego stamping Indian corn

making coffee filter turkeys

spraying the filters

Feeding the frog crickets

spraying the turkey feathers to make the colors blend

hand print turkeys

1,2,3 hand down!

hand up!..so exciting

proud of what he made with magnets

dressing up

We made pumpkin pudding!

proud of writing his name :)

The kids who wanted seconds ..plus some! :)